Springdale India

+91 9892725375


529, Mastermind 4, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon E, Mumbai – 400 065. India.

Seafarers with Panama CoC can now do 2/E and Masters CoC from New Zealand. Indian Navy sea-time is now accepted for doing CoC courses in New Zealand. DNS and HND-UK deck cadets from India having 12 months of sea-time on vessels > 500 GRT and having completed an approved TRB can do their 2nd Mates CoC from NMIT, Nelson, New Zealand. Electrical Officers with 36 months of sea-time and having completed the ISF TRB can do the Class 4 CoC from New Zealand. Deck Officers doing the combined BSc and Chief Mates course from Southampton Solent University, UK will now get 2 years post-study work visa (total visa of 41 months) to stay back and work in the UK which opens up options for residency if you get a skilled job in the UK.

For Education Loan, Personal Loan and Flight Ticketing, please call : +91 93077 48598. For Deck and Engine CoC, please call : +91 98927 25375
For Non-Marine students: Admission Open for Global MBA, Admission Open for MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence & Data Science & Analytics, Admission Open for MSc Cyber Security Engineer, Admission Open for MSc Project Management, Admission Open for MSc Shipping Operations, Admission Open for Masters in Water Resource Management, Admission Open for MSc in Finance, Admission Open for MSc Construction Management, Admission Open for MSc Mechanical Engineering, Admission Open for MSc Civil Engineering, Admission Open for MEng Civil and Structural, Admission Open for MA Fashion Marketing, Admission Open for Masters in Applied Management ………Call: +91 – 9307748598

X WMA Chief Mates Course-Old

Warsash Maritime Academy

(Southampton Solent University)

From September 2021, Warsash Maritime Academy – Southampton Solent University is anticipated to start offering a Chief Mates course leading to a Bachelors Degree in Nautical Science. Successful completion of the course will enable students to stay back and work in the UK for upto 2 years under the post study work (PSW) scheme.

Course Title:

Chief Mate & Masters (MCM) – HND Nautical Science (Examination Route

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidates must have completed 12 months watchkeeping service as a Deck Officer while holding an OOW unlimited II/1 Certificate of Competency (CoC), and hold a valid personal medical fitness certificate recognised by the MCA.
  • Candidates who completed the NAEST(O) course prior to 1st January 2005 must have completed an MCA approved IMO Model 1.27 ECDIS course before undertaking the NAEST(M) course.
  • Once a Chief Mate CoC has been achieved, candidates must complete 36 months watch-keeping service while holding an OOW unlimited II/1 Certificate of Competency before undertaking examination for Master certification. This period may be reduced to 24 months if at least 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as Chief Mate while holding a Chief Mate unlimited II/2 CoC. Students who have completed more than 36 months of sea service as a Deck Officer can complete their Chief Mates CoC from the UK and then immediately appear for Masters Orals without having to do any additional sea service after Chief Mates CoC to obtain Masters CoC.
Documentary evidence required as proof of completion of sea service is stamps on the CDC and Masters testimonials.
Company sea-time letters is NOT a requirement and cannot be used in lieu of Masters testimonials.
Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent University has made some changes in the mode of delivery for the Chief Mates course. The course starts with a 3 months online course which is followed by 6 months of classroom teaching in the UK.

There would be 3 intakes every year for the 6 months taught course in the UK: January ; May and October. The online course will start about 3 months before the main taught course.

The advantages in the new system over the existing system wherein the full course was delivered in the UK over a 10 – 12 months period (including vacation time) under the Tier 4 visa rules are as below:

  • Duration of stay in the UK will be reduced from 9 months to 6 months. This leads to savings in terms of food and accommodation costs in the UK upto 90,000 Rs/-. The 3 months of online learning can be completed even whilst you are onboard a ship.
  • No requirement of UKVI IELTS English test as students will be going on a Student Visa – Short Term, non points based system. Cost savings of 18,500 Rs/- which is the UKVI IELTS fees apart from the inconvenience in preparing and sitting for the UKVI IELTS examination.
  • As there is no UKVI IELTS requirement, you can sign off 4 weeks prior to the UK classroom course commencement date and still join the course on time whereas if UKVI IELTS was a requirement, you had to sign off atleast 2 months in advance to book, appear and get your UKVI IELTS results. You also have the option of signing off 1 week prior to the 6 months UK contact program and applying for UK Student Visitor Visa under the FAST TRACK scheme wherein you get your UK visa in 3 – 5 working days. There is an additional FAST TRACK VISA fee of approximately 20,000 INR but it is more than compensated by the 1 months extra salary that you can earn on ship and sign off just in time for the 6 months classroom UK course.
  • Short term visa fees is £ 97 (approx.9,700 INR) for visa duration upto 6 months whilst the long term visa fees for course duration greater than 6 months in the UK is £ 400 (approx. 40,000 INR).
  • There is no requirement to pay Health Insurance for visas upto 6 months which leads to savings of upto £ 500 (approx. 50,000 INR).
  • The money required to be shown for a 6 month’s visa will be about £ 3,000 (approx. 3 Lakhs INR) less compared to funds to be shown for long term visas.
  • You can get your CoC faster by completing the online learning program whilst on ship and immediately apply for your UK visa after signing off. A full classroom course of 9 months implies that you are off salary for 9 months minimum. A 3 months online course which can be done onship followed by a 6 months UK course means that you are off salary for only 6 months as the online course can be done on ship also. As you are off salary for only 6 months you get to earn 3 months of extra salary which would lead to a minimum savings of 10,000 US$. This is the single biggest advantage of the online learning program over the full time program which involves 9 months of classroom teaching.
We expect the total expenses i.e tuition fees, SQA exams, NoE, STCW courses (MCA approved), food, accommodation, flight ticket, visa charges, etc., to be in the range of £ 11,500 – £13,500 (approx. 12 – 14 Lakhs INR if £= 105 INR).
Some students worry that how will they pass the SQA exams in Navigation and Stability if they are studying by online learning. The online learning is for 3 months only whilst the main course is still covered in the UK over a 6 months period. The online learning only deals with the theoretical topics like Law, Management, Bridge and Engineering Systems Unit, Cargo and Port operations, etc. As you can see, these are theoretical topics which can be covered by a student through distance learning also. It makes more sense in delivering these subjects via online learning leading to savings in time and money for the student. The SQA preparation for Navigation and Stability exams is done completely in the UK only as was being done before when the course was being offered full time. There will be no dilution in quality or time for SQA preparation because of online learning as the online learning does not cover the SQA preparation. The SQA preparation is done in the UK only via classroom teaching. You will normally have your SQA exams in the 3rd month and resit in the 6th month of your stay in the UK. A student gets 2 attempts at the SQA exams during his 6 month stay in the UK. In the full time mode of delivery also as was being practiced earlier, students were getting 2 attempts at the SQA only. Hence, there is no change in the mode of academic delivery of SQA preparation as well as the number of attempts a student gets at the SQA in the new system whilst comparing to the earlier system. The only change is that the theoretical topics which were being taught in the classroom earlier like Law, Management, Bridge and Engineering Systems, Cargo and Port Operations, etc., have been moved to online learning leading to substantial savings in time and money as well as imparting convenience to the student. SQA preparation for Navigation and Stability, NAEST (M), MCA Oral preparations, etc. are being still offered in the UK as before through classroom teaching only.

Course start dates

  • 24 October 2022 (Distance Learning), 23 January 2023 (Campus)
  • 16 Jan 2023 (Distance Learning), 4 April 2023 (Campus)
  • 10 July 2023 (Distance Learning), 2 October 2023 (Campus)

Tuition Fee details (valid upto 31 July 2023)

GBP 7,540 (+ GBP 240 HND registration fee). This fees includes the following: HND Nautical Science, MCA oral preparations, NAEST (M), and HELM (M) course.

Note: From October 2022 session onwards, the HELM (M) course is included in your course tuition fees. Please DO NOT do the HELM (M) course outside of Solent University for e.g. in your home country as there will be no reduction of fees if you have done HELM (M) outside of Solent University, Southampton, UK.

During your 6 months of stay in the UK, you will get a minimum of 2 attempts at the SQA exams. If you do not clear your exams in 2 attempts, your visa of 6 months would have expired before the 3rd attempt. You will return back to India and can re-apply for your UK visa immediately or you can join ship and reapply for your UK visa after signing off. Your 2nd trip in the UK will be for about 3 days to appear for your SQA written exams or MCA orals. 90% of students however should be able to clear all their SQA written, MCA orals and HND exams within 6 months in 2 attempts. The SQA preparation at Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton is allegedly the best in the UK with students also coming from other UK maritime colleges who did not clear their exams and they do the SQA preparatory course in Southampton. One of the reasons for our better pass rates is because of the quality of faculty at the University. A good lecturer will normally migrate from a college to a University because of better salaries and status associated with teaching in a University in comparison to a college. It is something similar to the best quality seafarers switching over to the best shipping companies which offer higher salaries, status and better amenities onboard ship.

Some key features / advantages of studying at Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent University, UK:

  • 70 years old maritime academy and having vast experience of conducting these courses. Part of Southampton Solent University.
  • Indian faculty (Mr. Adesh Joshi, Mr. Kunal Anand and Mr. Munish Bharadwaj) who take many of the classes for students
  • Out of a batch size of 24 students for the Chief Mates course, majority of the students are from India. Batch size to be increased to 36 soon.
  • Over 200+ students join Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent Universiy, UK from India every year for the various post-sea Deck & Engine competency courses.
  • From October 2018, the classroom teaching has been shifted to the University campus in the city of Southampton. Hence, students residence will just be 5 – 10 minutes walking distance from the University campus.
  • Many ship management companies are located in Southampton. A few students have been able to get jobs with these companies after getting their CoC’s to work on ferries, etc. It is not easy to get such shipping jobs in the UK.
  • Southampton is located in the south of the UK. The climate is warmer compared to other areas of UK. The average summer temperature is 16 degree Celsius whilst the average winter temperature is 5 degree Celsius.
  • Southampton is about 75 minutes drive to London Heathrow airport. As a result many students do get to visit their relatives / friends staying in London or go for sightseeing to London on weekends.
  • The area where students take up accommodation in Southampton has a large Indian population with 3 gurudwaras, 2 mosques and 1 temple in that area.
  • The travel time from London to Southampton by train is about 75 minutes. The University campus is located about 20 minutes walk from the train station. Hence, if someone has a relative in London living close to the train station, it is possible for a student to travel to Southampton every day and go back to London. It is nevertheless advisable to stay in Southampton close to the University along with other Indian students so that you can do group study.
  • Being a University (not a college), Southampton Solent University has excellent library facilities with free internet connection that is open to students 24/7. Students prefer to do their study in the University library and go back to their residence mainly for food and night sleep.
Some maritime colleges in India have tied-up with maritime colleges in the UK for running the Chief Mates course jointly. They are offering 3 months course in India with 6 months course in the UK or 6 months course in India with 3 months course in the UK. This wold involve a minimum of 9 months of stay on land to complete the course. Warash Maritime Academy, Southampton is offering 3 months of guided online learning (which can be completed onboard ship) followed by 6 months of classes in the UK. Hence, the duration of stay on land to complete the course is 6 months only. The advantages offered by Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent University are the following:
  • Students who are undertaking 6 months course in India and 3 months course in the UK will in all probability have to stay 4 – 6 months in the UK. This is because not all students will clear exams in the first 3 months in the UK which will encompass only 1 attempt of the SQA exams. Also, SQA results take 6 weeks time to come out and CoC application procedure will take another 2 – 3 weeks on an average. Hence, you end up doing 6 months course in India and likely 4 – 6 months of stay in the UK i.e.your total duration is 10 – 12 months. If you are doing 3 months course in India and 6 months course in the UK, then your total time taken to get CoC will be about 9 months. To do the 3 – 6 months course in India, you will need to stay in Mumbai along with the accompanying daily travel involved in Mumbai. In case of Warsash Maritime Academy, you can do the online learning part whilst being on board the ship or from the comfort of your home in India. You do not need travel to a different city or if based in Mumbai, you do not need to travel within Mumbai to attend the classes whilst having access to the faculty of Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton over phone and email.
  • Each faculty on an average has over 10 years of full time teaching experience in the UK. They are full time teachers and not Master Mariners who work on ships and work part-time as a faculty in colleges for a side income. As they are full time lecturers, they are responsible to the University in ensuring high academic standards which results in good passing percentages of the students studying at Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton.
  • Warsash Maritime Academy is offering 3 intakes in a year whilst most other colleges offering this program in India and UK jointly are only offering 2 intakes in a year.
  • Students who are not from Mumbai will save 3 months of living and travel expenses which they will incur in Mumbai.
  • Students by following the 3 months online learning program can earn 3 months of salary on board ship whilst completing the online study program from the ship. If internet service is poor or not available onboard ship, you can download the study material at a convenient port when you get access to internet and store the study material in your laptop / pendrive. All that you need is 5 minutes of internet connectivity just one time to download all the study material in your laptop. Once the study material is downloaded in your laptop, you DO NOT need any further internet connectivity for studying the tutorials. Students can also book the course from the ship itself and start the online learning whilst onboard the ship itself.
  • If you have already signed off from the ship, you can do the online study program from your home itself rather than having to leave your family and move to a different city to do the course.
  • Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent University under the new mode of delivery offers offers the shortest and the most cost effective route to obtaining the Chief Mates CoC from the UK for Indian seafarers in comparison to any other college in the UK.

Admission Procedure

For booking a course, you will need to email or Whatsapp the following documents to us:

  • Completed Deck Course Booking Form (Blank Course Booking Form ; Sample Filled Up Course Booking Form)
  • Passport: 1st page and address page
  • CDC: 1st page and sea service stamp pages after 2nd Mates CoC
  • All relevant pages of 2nd Mates CoC along with the CoC expiry date page.
  • Electronic bank transfer of £ 1,000 to be made to the college. This will deducted from your Tuition Fees.
Please note that bank drafts are not accepted any more.
If you face any difficulty in making payments by electronic bank transfer or through University website, please let me know.

Warsash Maritime Academy is a part of Southampton Solent University.

Please note that the deposit payment of £ 1,000 is not refundable if you decide not to do the course. The deposit can be transferred only in your name for the same course within 24 months of the first course starting date. The applicant needs to have informed the college 21 days prior to course commencement date by email about his decision to postpone the course.
Seats for the Chief Mates course gets filled up 3 months in advance. Hence, students are advised to apply early as seats are allotted on a first come first served basis. You need NOT have completed the 12 months of sea service after 2nd Mates CoC to book your seat but you must complete your sea service before joining the college in the UK. Admission letter will be sent to your email address in about 3 weeks after receiving your documents by email. Most students prefer to book their seats 6 – 9 months in advance i.e. prior to joining ship for their last sailing contract before leaving for studies to UK.

If you happen to be on board a ship, you can email or Whatsapp the scanned copies of your documents to us and the electronic payment to the college can be done by your parents / relatives on your behalf. Hence, you can book a seat in the college even if you happen to be on the ship at that point of time.

STCW courses

The following MCA, UK approved short courses need to be completed before you can be issued with a Chief Mates CoC. These courses are however not required for applying for a Notice of Eligibility (NoE) with the MCA, UK.

  • Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
  • Medical First Aid (MFA)
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Craft (PSC&RB)
  • Masters Medicare
  • HELM (M)
The fees for these 3 STCW advanced courses & Masters Medicare together will be around 85,000 Rs approximately.

Please ensure that all of your STCW courses have been upgraded to the 2010 convention before applying for your CoC.

The NAEST (M) course now requires that prior to commencing the course in UK, students must have documentary evidence of completion of either:

a. MCA approved NARAST (O) course completed on or after 1st January 2005
b. MCA approved ECDIS course completed on or after 1st January 2005; or

UKVI IELTS English Language Test:

As the visa is being issued for a period of 6 months, you do not need to do any IELTS Engish language test.

Total expenses in the UK:

We expect the total expenses i.e. tuition fees, SQA exams, NoE STCW courses (MCA approved), food, accommodation, flight ticket, visa charges, etc., to be in the range of £ 11,500 – £13,500 (approx. 12 – 14 Lakhs INR if £= 105 INR).

If you need to get Tanker endorsement, cost will be an additional 60,000 INR per tanker course and endorsement fee.
If you need to do the MCA ECDIS course, there is an additional cost of 60,000 Rs.

The approximate living cost is as given below but it will vary from person to person:

  • Accommodation rent: £ 220 – 260 / month / person in a non-sharing room
  • Accommodation rent: £ 150 – 200 / month / person in room shared by 2 students
  • Food (home cooked): £ 40 – 50 / month / person
  • Electricity and heating bills: £ 10 – 20 / month / person
The cost will be about £350 per month for food, accommodation, electric & gas bills, etc.

Funds to show for UK Visa:

Visa rules keep on changing pretty frequently and hence every student should be aware of what the present rules are.

Keep yourself updated with the latest UK student visa rules by visiting the website:

Please do not go blindly by what your seniors may have told you on ship because what they say may have been true during their trip to the UK may not necessarily hold true now as visa rules are regularly updated.

The funds that you need to show for the visa is the Balance Tuition Fees (after paying booking deposit of £ 1,000) + £ 6,138 as living expenses for 6 months in the UK. This comes to around 11.50 Lakhs INR if 1 £= 105 INR.

This money can be shown as cash or Fixed Deposits in your bank account or as an educational loan sanction letter or part cash / FD in account and the balance by educational loan sanction letter. There should not be a sudden reflection of cash in your bank account before the visa process as it could lead to a visa refusal. Any sudden reflection of cash in your bank account needs to be explained with proper documentary evidence.

UK Visa Application Procedure:

We will assist you with the complete visa procedures. The most important thing that you need to do is to arrange for the funds for the visa process with proper documentary evidence of proof of funds.

The visa processing time is normally 3 weeks i.e. 21 calendar days.

There is also a Fast Track Visa application system wherein by paying £ 230 extra over and above the visa fees, students can receive their visas in 3 – 5 working days.

Applying for a Notice of Eligibility (NoE):

Students need to apply for a NoE with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), UK to be eligible to sit for the written and oral examinations in the UK. You can apply for your NoE from India prior to going to the UK or you can apply for your NoE during your stay in the UK. It is not necessary to be in possession of NoE for booking the course. However, if you have doubts that some of your sea-time may not be counted by the MCA for whatsoever reasons (for e.g. missing documents, no stamps on the CDC, sailed on Gulf ships, etc.), it would be advisable to do your NoE before booking your course. The processing time for the NoE is normally 28 working days but it may extend upto 2 months also depending upon the work load at the MCA. If your documents are found to be forged, all your documents will be seized and you will not be allowed to sit for exams in the UK again.

The following is the procedure to apply for a NOE:

  • Download the NoE Form MSF 4274 and fill up the NOE form by pen in CAPITAL LETTERS only.
  • Enclose your NoE application form, Passport, CDC, CoC, Masters testimonials of 12 months after 2nd Mates CoC, valid Medical Fitness Certificate in ANNEXURE IV Format, 2 passport size photographs (size 40mm x 50m with white background) and an online payment of £ 220 in favour “MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY” has to be done via the link provided in the NoE form. Please note that all documents have to be in original except for the Passport whose notarised photocopy of first & last page is to be sent.
  • Send the documents by a good courier for e.g. DHL and check on the DHL website when the documents have been received by the MCA.
  • If you have not got any information from the MCA after 40 days, please send an email to the MCA at deck@mcga.gov.uk mentioning your Name, Date of Birth and Courier consignment number. Ask them, what is the status of your NOE.
The NoE is not required for booking a seat in the college or for applying for a UK visa application. It will be required before you can sit for the MCA orals or the SQA written examination.

Please read the MCA, UK rules explaining eligibility conditions for Deck CoCs in MSN 1856

Accommodation, Food and Flight Tickets:

Accommodation: College does not guarantee hostel accommodation for overseas students. Students stay in rented apartments as it works out to be much cheaper. A typical house would have 4 – 5 rooms which would be rented out to the students. Each room would be fully furnished i.e. the room would have a bed, mattress, wardrobe, study table, carpet, lights and heating system. The student would pay the room rent to the landlord every month. The kitchen and the washroom would be shared amenities. The kitchen would typically have a dining table, microwave, refrigerator and cooking system in place. On arrival in the city of Southampton, you can directly move into the rented accommodation or alternatively stay in a Bed & Breakfast (budget hotel) for one night, check out a few houses the next day and accordingly move into one of the many available rented accommodations. A single room would house one student, a couple or 2 students at the maximum. On signing the contract with the landlord, you will have to pay one month’s of rent as security deposit as well as the rent in advance for that month. Please ensure that you keep a copy of your contract safely with you and insist that the rent will be paid by cheques only. Ask the landlord for a copy of rent receipt as well for your safety. Most contract’s come with a one month notice period which means that you will have to give one month’s notice before vacating or else you may lose your deposit money. At the time of returning the deposit money, the landlord may make deductions for any damage that the tenant may have done to the property.

A list of landlords are given below whom you can start contacting 1 – 2 weeks prior to your departure for the UK:

Ms. Navida Khan

Mr. Baldev Singh

Mr. Pravin Patel

Mr. Rafiqui

Ms Geeta Uppal

Mr Paul Singh

Mr Harpal

Mr Singh

Mr Steve Athwal

Mr Yougesh Vashist

Mr Singh

Mr Iain Macdonalad

Most of the landlords are Gujaratis or Punjabis. The accommodations are located about 5 – 10 minutes walking distance from Southampton Solent University.

Alternatively, you can stay for 1 day in a Bed and Breakfast Hotel (budget hotels) on arrival in Southampton and check out houses the next day. Visit the link below for a list of such budget hotels in the vicinity of the University: Bed and Breakfast Budge Hotels

Food: All food items that are available in India are also available in Southampton, UK for e.g. rice, wheat, dal, vegetables, chicken, mutton, fish, fruits, etc. Students staying in a house buy their groceries together and divide the cost amongst themselves. Eating outside at restaurants, take-away, etc. are very expensive because of the high cost of labour in UK and hence invariably all students cook their food together at home only. Grocery shops are located at 5 – 10 minutes walking distance from the accommodation areas.

You can also order Tiffin Service (Indian food) by contacting Ms. Anu Mehak (Whatsapp : +44 7402 489098)

Flight tickets: You do not need to have your flight tickets whilst applying for a UK student visa. Students usually book their flight tickets after having received their UK student visa. It is upto a student if he wishes to book a one way ticket to the UK or a return ticket i.e. to and fro. Normally, a return ticket works out cheaper. We will introduce you to a Travel Agent who will help you out with flight ticket bookings or you can book through online portals. A one way fare price will range from 20,000 – 30,000 INR whilst a return fare will range from 40,000 – 70,000 INR. Prices vary depending upon season and how far is your travel date from the date of booking. You arrival airport in the UK will be London Heathrow. Although a to and fro ticket is not a mandatory requirement, some students have faced problems with airlines at airports as they were not having a return ticket. Hence, it is advisable that you take a return ticket because your visa as such is for a fixed 6 months period and that is non-extendable.

You will be introduced to the other students going along with you so that you can decide whom do you want to share your accommodation with in Southampton and accordingly book your flight tickets together. There are about 200 students going to Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton, UK from India every year for the various Deck and Engine post-sea CoC courses over the 3 batches starting in January, April and September respectively.

Educational Loans:

Banks in India are usually reluctant go sanction loans for CoC courses and the typical reasons for refusing loans are as given below:

  • Seafarers are often not considered by banks as students and hence banks are reluctant to sanction loans to them.
  • Some bank managers do not understand what a CoC course is and hence their reluctance.
  • As CoC courses do not fall under the category of Degree / Diploma courses, hence the reluctance from banks.
  • CoC course duration is usually less than 1 year and banks are reluctant to give loans for courses less than 1 year.
  • Some banks insist on students getting a letter from DG Shipping, India stating that overseas CoC courses are approved. It is next to impossible for students to get such a letter from DG Shipping, India.
If you know somebody in a bank, it gets much easier to get your loan sanctioned. If not, it is always advisable to approach atleast 5 different banks and hope that some of these banks may consider your loan application favourably. Do not chase only 1 bank as it is possible that the bank may refuse your application and you may not have enough time left to apply for educational loans to other banks.

We have uploaded loan sanction letters of various banks on the first page of our website www.springdaleindia.com. It may be of help in convincing your bank manager to sanction your loan once he sees that his bank (but a different branch) have given loan to another student for the same course in the same college.

You may also try to take Loan Against Jewellery. This is the fastest means of getting a loan as the money is disbursed on the same day. Most banks for e.g. HDFC, ICICI, etc. give loans against jewellery.

If you wish to apply for an educational loan, please let us know and we will ask the bank personnel to get in touch with you.

How to reach Southampton:

There are direct / indirect flights from Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Cohin to London. On arrival at the London Heathrow airport, you will have to go through immigration check up which may take about 1 – 2 hours depending upon the rush at the airport. Joining the London Heathrow Airport is the National Express Coach station / bus stop. You can buy the bus ticket at the bus stop and the fare is approximately £25 for a one way trip. The journey duration from London Heathrow airport to Southampton is about 90 minutes and there is a bus leaving every 45 minutes on an average. If you happen to arrive at London airport after 7 PM, it is advisable to stay back at the airport in the night and take the early morning bus to Southampton. You will find many tourists / students staying overnight at the London airport and taking the morning coach to their respective destination. You will not be charged for staying during the night at the airport but you will have to make do with a chair only or maybe sit on the floor with your luggage. On reaching Southampton bus stop, you will take a taxi to your landlord’s house or to a hotel. As the bus stop is located in the heart of the city of Southampton, your taxi fare will not be more than £5.

Carrying money to UK:

Students can carry money to the UK as currency notes, travelers cheques, demand drafts and international student debit cards. We advise the students to carry about £ 500 as cash (£ 1,000 if they are carrying their family) and the remaining by loading their international student debit cards. International student’s debit cards are provided free or cost to the students and we will provide you with one prior to your going to the UK. The advantages of students debit card are given below:

  • For any purchase in the UK, you can swipe your student’s debit card without any additional charges instead of having to pay in cash.
  • If you lose the demand draft, it is a very tedious process to get your bank to cancel the draft as you will have to file an FIR in the police station and follow up the other procedural formalities. If you lose a debit card, you simply call the bank, they will cancel the debit card and post a new card to you for a small fee.
  • If you fall short of money in the UK, your parents / friends in India can contact the bank and pay the bank in Indian rupees to top up the card. You can withdraw the money from your card in the UK. It saves your parents the hassle of trying to figure out how to do the telegraphic transfer from India and the charges involved in the telegraphic transfer.
  • If you are carrying a demand draft in your personal name for your living expenses in the UK, you will have to wait till your bank account is opened in the UK. This process may take 2 – 4 weeks and then only will you be able to deposit the demand draft. If you are carrying an international student’s debit card, you can withdraw cash from any ATM machine in the UK at any point of time. You must note that your bank will charge you for cash withdraw from the ATM using your international students debit card.
  • The best procedure is to load your card in India with £ 1,500 and carry about £ 500 as cash with yourself. This amount of money should be able to cover the cost of your food and accommodation during your stay in the UK.
  • The tuition fees would have been paid by electronic bank transfer to the college already prior to your departure to UK and hence it need not be loaded on the students travel card.

Working in the UK – Part time / Full time:

If your visa duration is 6 months or less, than you are not allowed to work part-time in the UK.
Hence, you will not be allowed to work part-time in the UK as your course duration in the UK is for 6 months only.

Contact Us:

Kunal Anshuman,
Springdale India
Tel: +91 – 98927 25375
Email: kunal.anshuman@springdaleindia.com
Visit: www.springdaleindia.com
Address: Office No. 529, Mastermind 4, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon E, Mumbai – 400 065

Study Abroad Options

We also assist with all Non-Marine post-graduation & undergraduate Courses admissions and visas in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, and the USA.

All of our services are free of cost to the students.

For Non Marine Courses :

Call: +91 - 93077 48598.

For all Marine Courses :

Call : +91 98927 25375

Kunal Anshuman,

Springdale India
Tel : +91 - 98927 25375
Email kunal.anshuman@springdaleindia.com
Address :
Office No. 529, Mastermind 4, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon E, Mumbai – 400 065

Note: To reach our office, take autorickshaw from Goregaon (E) station. It will cost you about 70 Rs/- and the distance is 3.0 kms from station. It should take you about 20 minutes to reach our office in normal traffic conditions from the station. Alternatively, take Bus No. 452 from Goregaon (E) station and get down at the last bus stop i.e. Mayur Nagar. The office is about 10 minutes walk from the Mayur Nagar bus stop. If you are coming from Powai direction, it will take you about 30 minutes to reach our office by auto rickshaw and the fare will be about 150 Rs approximately.

Please call before you plan to come to the office so that we can schedule a mutually convenient date and time.
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Please find attached the services offered by our consultancy:

▪️Admissions for all Deck & Engine Marine CoC Courses in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

▪️Admissions for non-marine, regular Post-Graduate & Undergraduate courses in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada & Germany.

▪️ Booking of MCA-UK approved advanced STCW course at concessional fees in INDIA.

▪️Student Visas for the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

▪️UK Visitor Visa.

▪️Seafarers Personal Loan.

▪️Education Loan

▪️Flight Tickets

Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

Please let us know how can I help you ?

Best Regards.

Springdale India / UKCoC